目的 探讨地方性砷中毒对患者远期致突变、致癌效应。方法 采用常规微量全血培养法对 112名地方性砷中毒患者及对照区 88名居民进行外周血淋巴细胞微核及染色体畸变检测。结果 病例组染色体畸变率 (1.0 770‰±0 .195 3% )高于对照组 (0 .42 86‰± 0 .12 41% ) ,P<0 .0 1。病例组的外周血淋巴细胞微核率 (0 .85 47‰± 0 .0 5 6 7‰ )高于对照组 (0 .392 8‰± 0 .0 36 8‰ ) ,P<0 .0 1) ;病例组轻度及中度患者的微核率 (0 .6 6 6 7‰± 0 .0 44 2‰ ,1.5 333‰± 0 .0 2 5 5‰ )均高于对照组 (0 .392 8‰± 0 .0 36 8‰ ,P<0 .0 5 ;P<0 .0 0 1;轻度组的微核率低于中度组 (P<0 .0 1)。结论 地方性砷中毒可引起人类染色体的损伤 ,存在远期致突变。
Objective To explore the long term mutagenic and carcinogenic effects of endemic arsenism Methods The micronuclei and chromosomal aberration in peripheral blood lymphocytes were detected by conventional micro whole blood culture method among 112 subjects with endemic arsenism and 88 healthy residents as controls Results Significantly higher frequencies of chromosomal aberrations(1 0770‰±0 1953%) and micronuclei(0 8547‰±0 0567‰) of peripheral blood lymphocytes were observed in arsenic poisoned group compared with those(0 4286‰±0 1241%,0 3928‰±0 0368‰) of controls respectively ( P<0 01 ) The groups of patients to be mildly and middlingly affected presented significantly higher frequeneies of micronuclei(0 6667‰±0 0442‰,1 5333‰±0 0255‰)compared with those of controls(0 3928‰±0 0368‰, P<0 05,P<0 001 ) respectively The frequencies of micronuclei also revealed significant differences between the patient with mild and middling poison ( P<0 01 ) Conclusion Endemic arsenism could induce the chromosomal damages and present long term mutagenic and carcinogenic effects on population at high risk
Journal of Environment and Health