利用粉煤灰改良粘质石灰性褐土, 5年的试验结果表明,施一定量的粉煤灰,配合以复播绿肥作物压青、施无机肥等农艺措施,使土壤的质地、容重、孔隙度及土壤水分状况得到明显改善,增强土壤微生物活性,提高土壤养分有效库容。试验推荐最佳方案为,公顷施粉煤灰 35.25万 kg、硝酸磷肥 880.5 kg,绿肥 13 047 kg,作物产量可达 6 000 kg· hm- 2。
A five- year field experiment was carried out on clay calcic cinnamon soils for studying effects of applying coal ash, green manurie and chemical fertilizer on clay calcic cinnamon soil.The results showed that application of coal ash was capable of improving the soil properties such as porosity, texture volumetric weight,availability of nutrients and microbial activity. It was optimized that a protocol with application of coal ash. nitro phosphate 880.5 kg· hm- 2 and green manure 13 t could produce as high as 6 t of wheat with net increase of 400 kg per hectare.
Agro-Environmental Protection