目的 以不同含锶量的锶磷灰石 (SrHAP)植入动物体内 ,进行材料 -骨界面骨形成定量组织学的观察分析 ,初步探讨该材料的生物理化性能。方法 将 2 4只新西兰大白兔分为 3组 ,双侧下颌角均造成约 6mm×12mm× 4mm的缺损 ,用 10 % ,5 % ,0 %的SrHAP分别予以修复 ,于 1月 ,3月 ,6月时随机处死一组取材做病理切片 ,通过定量组织学的方法进行分析评估。结果 5 %和 10 %的锶磷灰石成骨量与纯羟基磷灰石 (0 % )比在统计学上有差异 ,而 5 %与 10 %的锶磷灰石成骨量统计学上无明显差异。结论 锶的浓度与修复材料成骨活性之间并非成简单的正比关系 ,而是有一峰值的曲线关系。生物降解率是影响新生骨量的关键因素 ,锶磷灰石具有良好的生物降解率和合适的生物降解速率 。
Objective SrHAP of different ration was implanted in animals to study the bioreactions by quantitative histology.Methods 24 rabbits were divided into 3 groups for study. Bone defect of 6 mm×12 mm×4 mm was made at the mandibular angle of rabbits and SrHAP in different proportion(10%,5%,0%) was applied to reform the defect. One group of animals were killed randomly at 1 month, 3 months, 6 months to evaluate the biologic capacity by quantitative histology.Results New bone in 10% SrHAP has no statistic difference in quantity with 5% SrHAP,but new bone in 10% and 5% has a great difference with that in 0%.Conclusion The ration of strontium has no lineal association with the new bone quantity, total new bone quantity is mainly influenced by the degree of biodegradation. SrHAP has a good biodegradation and suitable speed of biodegradating, so the reconstruction result with SrHAP is fairly satisfactory.
Journal of Tongji University(Medical Science)