知识价值观是价值观领域的新命题。从心理学角度来看知识价值观的涵义 ,它是实践主体以自己的需要为基础而形成的对知识重要性的认识。知识价值观的基本成分包括知识价值目标、知识价值手段和知识价值评价三个方面 ,并具有历史性、社会性和个别差异性等特征。知识价值观是一个多维度、多侧面的系统 ,可以根据知识的属性、知识在教育中的价值。
Knowledge Values is a new subject in the field of values. This paper proposes the meaning, structure and classification of Knowledge Values from the perspective of psychology. Knowledge Values is one's cognition about the importance of knowledge, which is based on his own need. It contains three basic elements: goals, methods and evaluations. And it also has three characters, which are historical nature, sociality and personal difference. Knowledge Values is a system with multiple aspects, and it can be classified from different view, such as the view of the attribute of knowledge, the view of the importance of knowledge in education and the view of the effect of knowledge on person's development.
Journal of Southwest China Normal University(Philosophy & Social Sciences Edition)