利用多种表面改性剂对生物可降解材料PHBV进行了表面改性实验研究 ,测定了不同改性剂改性后PHBV的吸油率以及温度对其吸油效果的影响 ,并探讨了改性机理。研究结果表明 :不同改性剂对PHBV的改性效果有所差别。从疏水和吸油的共同效果来看 ,最佳疏水改性剂为添加量 5 %时的硅油。温度对未改性PHBV和改性PHBV的吸油率及吸油速度均有影响。
Experimental study on surface modification of bio degradable PHBV is made by using different modification reagents.Oil pick up ratios of different modified PHBV and the effects of temperature on them are tested,and the modified mechaisms is discussed as well.Experimental result shows that different modification reagents have different effects on hydrophobic ability of PHBV.Considering both hydrophobic ability and oil pick up ratios,silicon is the best modification reagent when the dosage is 5%.Temperature has an effect on pick up rates of both PHBV and modified PHBV.