用核磁共振方法研究了 β CD与三种菁染料 3,3′ 二 (3 磺丙基 )噻菁三乙胺盐(dyeA)、3,3′ 二 (3 磺丙基 ) 5 氯 噻菁三乙胺盐 (dyeB)和 3,3′ 二 (3 磺丙基 ) 5,5′ 二苯基 9 乙基恶碳菁 (dyeC)在溶液中的包合现象和包合物的动态结构 ,实验发现 β CD环糊精疏水腔中的H 3和H 5以及三种菁染料的芳环上质子的化学位移由于形成包合物而发生明显变化 ,而且峰的位置随包合程度的不同而不同 .实验中发现包合物的荧光强度随 β CD浓度增加而减弱 ,相应计算表明 β CD与三种菁染料形成了 1∶1的包合物 .本文研究了三种包合物中主体部分OH 3和OH 6的化学位移随温度变化的情况 ,获得了包合物中氢键强弱的信息 ,通过NMR化学位移滴定法计算得到了三种包合物在水溶液中的稳定常数 ,在上述工作的基础上 ,本文提出了三种包合物的结构模型 ,描述了客体进入主体腔中的动态过程 .
The results of {}+1H NMR investigation of β-Cyclodextrin inclusion complexes with three cyanine dyes in D-2O and DMSO solution are reported in this paper, It was found that there is difference in chemical shift of some protons both of β-Cyclodextrin cavity and of cyanine dyes between after and before complexing,the position of which is dependent upon the inclusive degree. Fluorescence spectroscopy of cyanine dyes showed that the fluorescence intensity of these dyes is obviously quenched due to the forming of inclusions with β-Cyclodextrin, calculation results based on fluorescence spectroscopy indicated that β-Cyclodextrin formed 1∶1 inclusion with three cyanine dyes respectively. Information about hydrogen bond was induced from the study of temperature dependence of chemical shift of hydroxyl protons in β-Cyclodextrin cavity, OH-3 and OH-6. Their equilibrium constants of inclusion complexes were obtained from NMR chemical shift titration. The structure model of three inclusion complexes and dynamic process entering β-Cyclodextrin cavity has been described in this paper.
Chinese Journal of Magnetic Resonance