目的 研究鸡舌咽神经传出神经元在脑干的分布。方法 选用13只健康来杭鸡,分离暴露舌咽神经干,在岩神经节处注射4ul CB-HRP,动物存活约35h,灌注固定,取延髓作冰冻连续切片,TMB法呈色,光镜下观察。结果 舌咽神经传出神经元主要位于舌咽神经背运动核,部分位于迷走神经背运动核的前端和面神经腹侧核。结论 鸡舌咽神经背运动核和迷走神经背运动核有相互重叠的现象,其位置与哺乳类的明显不同。
Objective To study the brain stem distribution of the efferent neurons of the glossopharyneal nerve in the chicken. Methods The brain stem distribution of the efferent neurons of the glossopharyngeal nerve in the chicken was studied by CB-HRP histochemistry. Results After injecting HRP into the glossopharyngeal trunk, the labeled cells were found mainly in the dorsal motor nucleus of the golssopharyngeal nerve (NK), and some were found in the ventral nucleus of the facial nerve (NVF). NK was the rostral extension of DMV (the dorsal nucleus of the vagus nerve) between which there were no obvious limits. NVF was the rostral extension of NA (the nucleus ambiguus), and located at the ventrolateral aspect of the medulla, and included ventromedial large cell groups and dorsolateral small cell groups. No labeled cells were seen in the NA. Conclusion The dorsal motor nucleus of the golssopharyngeal nerve and the ventral nucleus of the facial nerve overlap partly, the localization of these nucleus are different obviously with that of mammals.
Glossopharyngeal nerve
Efferent neurons
Brain stem