HRP 注入猫左侧颈部食管壁后,在两侧面后核,脊上核、背内侧核和同侧迷走神经背核、孤束核、疑核、中间带、疑后核和副神经脊髓核出现 HRP 逆行标记细胞标记细胞在迷走神经背核内的分布具有定位关系。实验结果显示颈部食管传出神经元的分布具有即弥散又相对集中的特点。本文并对所标记各核的性质进行了讨论。
HRP was injected into the left wall of the cervical portion oesophagus of cats.The HRP-labeled cells were found in nuclei the retrofacialis suprespinalis,dorsomedialis bilaterally and in the dorsal nucleus of the vagus nerve.solitary nucleus,ambiguous nucleus,intermediate zone, retroambiguulis and spinal nucleus of the acecssory nerve ipsilaterally.The distribution of the labeled cells in the dorsal nucleus of the vagus nerve showed certain localization characterities.So it was concluded that the distribution of efferent neurons of the cervical oesophagus in cats exhibite a concentrated comparatively and scattered pattern.The character of the labeled nuclei were discussed too.
Journal of Jinzhou Medical College