提出了一种有信道子站优先处理、子站损坏自动转为借助信道互通信息处理、信道损坏再自动转为就地智能处理的馈线自动化方案 ,既具备传统方案中故障定位准确、隔离可靠 ,恢复供电最优的特点 ,又去除了传统方案中完全依赖子站及信道的劣势 ,有主有备 。
This paper specifies an intellective scheme for the pursuance of feeder automation. When sub-master (or master) station and communication channel are normal, the sub-master (or master) station can be a brain: When sub-master (or master) station is damaged but communication channel is normal, the FTU can communicate with each other, then determine what to do: When sub-master (or master) station and communication channel are all damaged, the FTU can automatically be a single conductor, it trips or closes the switch under the setting. This scheme has the advantages of conventional feeder automation scheme, such as finding exactly fault point and using optimal method to restore the supply, but not depending on sub-master (or master) station and communication channel. It suits each condition of the line.
Automation of Electric Power Systems