鄂尔多斯盆地北部杭锦旗断阶、塔巴庙地区下石盒子组 -山西组的成岩作用主要包括压实作用、胶结作用和溶蚀作用。随着埋藏深度的增加 ,砂岩孔隙逐渐减少 ,胶结作用成为孔隙度降低的主要因素 ,但早期形成的胶结物同时又增加了岩石抵抗压实作用的能力而有利于粒间孔隙的保存。不同产状的高岭石对储层孔隙的贡献不同 ,生长于长石溶孔中的自生高岭石 ,自形晶极好且堆积松散 ,保留了良好的晶间隙 ,对孔隙贡献较大 ;而长石蚀变而成的高岭石 ,堆积紧密 ,晶间隙极小 ,对孔隙贡献较小。
Diagenesis influences the reservoir quality. The diagenetic pathways in sandstones are complex, being governed by numerous interrelated parameters, such as, mineral composition, deposition faces, as well as the composition and flow patterns of basinal fluids. The diagenetic processes that govern reservoir properties include the extent of compaction, cementation (mainly by carbonates, quartz, and clay minerals), and dissolution of framework grains. With increasing burial depth, sandstones progressively lose porosity. In deep sandstones, porosity is decreased mainly due to carbonate and quartz cementation, but, at the same time, cements also protect grains from further compaction. The aim of this study is to unravel the influence of diagenesis on the reservoir quality by analyzing the relationship between porosity, permeability and the content of corbonate cement , quartz cement and authigenetic clay minerals, respectively.
Journal of Chengdu University of Technology