全棉经纬双向弹力布在紧式生产设备上连续轧染 ,其困难在于经纬双向的伸缩性而易皱易卷边 ,高温会损伤弹性。因此 ,在生产中 ,对坯布进行预定形 ,以提高生产稳定性 ,为避免高温 ,采用 175℃定形 2 5 s工艺 ;前处理采用冷轧堆工艺 ;丝光时经向张力尽可能小 ,碱浓度尽量低 ;染色则采用冷染工艺。采用上述工艺生产的经纬双向弹力布手感丰满柔软 ,经纬弹力好。
Difficulties of creasing and curling selvedge in all cotton warp-weft b idimentional elastic fabric pad dyeing with tension is due to the elastica both of weft and warp. Presetting at 175℃ for 25s is taken to improve consisten cy in production. Cold pad-batch is adopted in pretreatment. In mercerizing, th e tension in warp should be as small as possible and the alkali concentration sh ould be as low as possible. Cold dyeing process is carried out.
China Dyeing and Finishing