在青岛近岸海区两个不同地点 ,分别进行浸海挂片实验研究四种不同基质表面 (玻片、钢片以及涂有防污漆、防锈漆的玻片 )微生物粘膜中细菌组成。从不同基质表面微生物粘膜中共分离32 3株附着细菌 ,大多数为杆状或球杆状革兰氏阴性细菌 ,且大部分具有鞭毛。依据形态及生理生化特征将革兰氏阴性细菌鉴定到属 ,分别属于气单胞菌属 ( Aeromonas)、发光杆菌属 ( Photobacteri-um)、莫拉氏菌属 ( Moraxella)、假单胞菌属 ( Pseudomonas)、弧菌属 ( Vibrio)和产碱菌属 ( Alcali-genes)等 12个属 ,其中气单胞菌属是优势菌属。不同基质表面 。
This study was carried out to find the species composition of various groups of attached marine bacteria formed on micro biofilm, when artificial substrata were immersed in seawater at two sites in Qingdao. Marine bacteria formed micro biofilm on four different substrata tested. Three hundred and twenty three bacterial colonies isolated from micro biofilm formed on artificial substrata were purified and morphologically, physiologically and biochemically characterized. Most of the bacteria were motile, Gram negative rods. They were identified to the genus level and classified into 12 groups. The major compounds of the micro biofilm included Aeromonas, Photobacterium, Moraxella, Pseudomonas, Vibrio and Alcaligenes etc. Aeromonas was the most predominant group. The bacterial species composition and diversity was found to vary on different substrata.
Journal of Ocean University of Qingdao
国防科学技术预研基金项目!(96 5 12 .1.13CB5 5 0 3)资助