通过对子实体进行组织分离获得菌种 ,并将其接种于 PDA平板培养基上 ,2 5℃恒温培养。根据菌落细胞外氧化酶检测反应、菌丝类型及分化、产孢情况、菌丝及菌落颜色、刚毛及表皮细胞的有无等培养特性 ,对刺革菌科 10种主要木材腐朽菌培养特性及鉴定分类系统进行了研究。
By isolating the frustification tissue,the cultures were inoculated in petri dishes on PDA medium and inculated at 25℃ for 6 weeks. According to the diagnostic characters such as the Presence or absence of extracelluar oxidase of mat,the type of hyphae and its differentiation,occurrence of spore,the color of hyphae and mat,the setae and cuticular cells,the culture characters and the determination of classifing system of ten species wood-decay fungi of Hymenochae taceae were studied in detail.
Forestry Science & Technology