大学生既是学校教育与管理的对象 ,又是学校的主人 ,学校管理工作者必须正确对待学生在教育和管理活动中的地位和作用。我们不仅应该根据大学生管理的各项要求 ,对他们进行管理和教育 ,还应该充分调动他们的积极性 ,指导他们参与学校的学生事务工作 ,进行自我管理与自我教育 ,从而更好地实现高校学生管理目标的要求。因此 ,实施学生自我管理的模式 ,应是高校学生管理工作发展的总趋势。
Students are not only the persons to be educated and diciplined but also the hosts of the university, so the managerial staff must view in the right light the students' position and role in the activities of education and management. Besides managing andeducating the students by rules and regulations, the managerial staff should also motivate them to participate in the students managing affairs and conduct self-management and self-education, so as to achieve the objects of university student management. The enforcement of the mode of students' self-management should be the general trend of the student management affairs in universities.