目的 :探讨球注抗生素、激素治疗外伤性内眼炎的疗效。方法 :对 2 0例外伤性内眼炎患者全身和局部大剂量应用抗生素、激素。结果 :除 1例无效外 ,19例的视力均有不同程度的提高 ,达到 1 0以上 5例 ,0 6以上 6例 ,0 3以上 3例 ,0 1以上 2例 ,0 0 5以上 3例。结论 :尽早大剂量全身和局部应用抗生素、激素是外伤性内眼炎的首选治疗 ,它能有效地控制炎症 ,争取手术时机 ,获得满意的视功能。
Objective:To explore the efficacy of subconjunctival injection of antibiotic and adrenocortical in treating traumatic endophthalmitis.Method:According to patients' condition,a great deal of antibiotic and adrenocortical had been given.Results:Except one case,19 cases had their visions raised in varying degrees.5 patients' visions were over 1.0,6 patients' visions over 0.6,3 patients' visions over 0.3,2 patients' visions over 0.1,3 patients' visions over 0.05.Conclusion:Early adoption of great deal of antibiotic and adrenocortical is the first choice of treatment.It is important to control inflammation and race against operation time so as to win satisfied vision.