为了探讨臭氧消毒机对连台手术间空气消毒的最佳湿度和时间 ,在 8间面积均为 70 m2、朝向一致的手术间 ,用臭氧消毒机于首台手术前后及不同湿度 (6 5 %、70 %、75 %、80 %、85 % )、不同时间 (10、15 m in)下行空气消毒。结果首台手术前、后 (未消毒时 )细菌阳性手术间数比较 ,差异有极显著性意义 (P<0 .0 1) ;首台手术后消毒 15min,5种湿度条件下的细菌阳性手术间数比较 ,差异有显著性意义 (P<0 .0 5 ) ,其中 6 5 %、70 %、75 %湿度之间细菌阳性手术间数比较 ,差异无显著性意义 (P>0 .0 5 ) ,其分别与 80 %、85 %湿度的细菌阳性手术间数比较 ,差异有极显著意义 (均 P<0 .0 1) ;在 80 %~ 85 %的相对湿度下消毒 10、15 min,均达国家标准 (细菌数≤ 6 9.3cfu/m3) ,两种消毒时间比较 ,差异无显著性意义 (P>0 .0 5 )。提示连台手术之间必须行空气消毒 ;最佳消毒相对湿度为 80 %~85 % ,时间为 10~ 15 min。
In order to explore the optimal humidity and time of air disinfection for continuous operating room by ozone disinfector, air disinfection was performed in the 8 operating rooms with the size of 70 m 2 and same orientation before and after the first operation at different humidity (65%、 70%、 75%、 80% and 85%) and different time points (10 min and 15 min). The results showed that there was a significant difference in the operating rooms for positive bacteria before and after the first operation ( P <0 01). 15 min of disinfection after the first operation, the comparison of the operating rooms for positive bacteria under the humidity of 65%,70%, 75%, 80% and 85% showed a significant difference ( P <0 05). The comparison of the operating rooms positive for bacteria contamination among the humidity of 65 % and 75 % showed no significant difference ( P >0 05), but there was a very significant difference in the operating rooms for positive bacteria contamination at the humidity of 80% to 85% as comparison to those at the humidity of 65% to 75% respectively ( P <0 01). National standard (bacteria contamination≤69 3 cfu/m 3) was met after disinfection for 10 or 15 min at the humidity of 80% to 85% with the difference being not significant ( P >0 05). It was suggested the air disinfection was necessary between the continuous operations. The optimal air humidity was 80% to 85% and the time was 10 to 15 min for best disinfecting results.
Journal of Nursing Science
湖南邵阳市中心医院资助课题!(邵科鉴字 [2 0 0 0 ]第 15号 )
ozone disinfector
operating room