目的 了解中小学生伤害发生程度及其流行特征 ,以寻求有效的干预措施 ,控制与降低伤害发生率。方法 采用整群抽样的方法 ,运用自编调查表对 1 51 49名中小学生进行流行病学调查。结果 怀远县中小学生共发生 1 2种不同类型伤害 ,发生率为 39.0 % ,前三位伤害依次为跌伤 ( 1 5.9% ) ,动物咬伤 ( 1 5.2 % ) ,刀或锐器伤 ( 1 1 .5% ) ;以初中生伤害发生率最高为 51 .7% ,其次为高中生 42 .5% ,小学生最低为 2 8.9% ;伤害发生率与性别有关。结论 伤害严重地影响中小学生健康和学习 ,应加强中小学生的安全卫生教育 ,提高学生的自我保健意识。
Objective To investigate the level and the epidemiological feature of injuries, in order to find out the effective intervention measures for preventing injuries. Method A self-designed questionnaire was used to investigate injuries among 15149 middle and primary school students. Results There were 12 kinds of injuries; the total rate of injuries was 39.0%. Among reported injuries, 3 kinds of injuries took the first 3 places: injuries from falls, bitten by animals (15.2%), knife-cutting or sharp weapon wounds (11.5%). The rate of injuries was the highest among junior high!school students (51.7%), the rate was the lower among senior high school students (42.5%), and it was the lowest among primary school students (28.9%). The rate of injuries was related closely to sex. Injuries resulted in absence from school and pecuniary loss. Conclusions Injury has affected the study and health of middle and primary school students. Interventions for injuries should be developed, more attention must be paid to safety education among the students, and their consciousness of self-protection should be breed.
Chinese Journal of School Health