目的 探讨中国道路交通伤害的模式。方法 分析中国1951~2001年的道路交通伤害资料,讨论道路交通伤害的时间趋势、发生特征和影响因素,并对中国31个省、市、自治区的道路交通伤害进行综合评价。结果 中国在1951~2001年的51年中道路交通伤害一直呈上升趋势,20世纪80年代以后这个趋势尤为明显。2001年道路交通伤害的发生数、受伤人数和死亡人数均比1951年增加了100倍以上;死亡率攀升至8.51/10万人口,比1990年翻了一番。在过去的10年中,广东、山东、浙江等省的道路交通伤害死亡人数始终占据前五位,2001年道路交通伤害的综合事故率显示,西藏、新疆、青海、宁夏和甘肃等西部诸省区是道路交通碰撞最严重的地区。道路交通伤害造成的死伤以男性青壮年为最多,65岁以上的伤亡者有逐年上升趋势。道路质量、机动化程度、交通运输量等交通环境,以及驾驶员或路人的过失等人为因素是道路交通伤害的影响因素。结论 改善道路交通条件,交通立法与执法,提高城乡居民的交通安全意识等,是预防和控制道路交通伤害的主要措施。
Objective To explore the pattern of road traffic injuries (RTI) in China and to furnish
evidence to formulate strategy and measures to improve RTI. Methods Using the data from the National
Statistical Office, Ministry of Communications and the Traffic Administration bureau, factors as the time
trends, features and risk factors of RTI were analysed for all provinces in China. Results Over the past 51
years, RTI have increased more than 100-fold. The fatality rate of RTI was up to 8. 51 per 100 000
population in 2001,almost doubled for the past ten years. In the past decade, the deaths of RTI always
held in the front fifth rank in Guangdong, Shandong and Zhejiang. Calculating mortal coefficient (MC) to
evaluate the severity of RTI, Tibet, Xinjiang, Qinghai, Ningxia and Gansu stood the worst. The 26-45
years age-group represented the majority of all fatalities and overall casualties, and the age-group over 65-
year olds having an increased trend in China. The main risk factors of RTI were road quality, motorization,
volume of traffic transportation, maldriving and the behaviors of pedestrians. Conclusions The main
means to reduce RTI would include: improving road traffic environment, setting road safety rules and
securing compliance, changing perception, understanding and practice traffic safety.
Chinese Journal of Epidemiology