目的 :探讨抗精神病药致心电图异常的相关因素和处理对策。方法 :对 2 0 7例抗精神病药致心电图异常的病例随访观察并对照研究。结果 :抗精神病药致心电图异常与个体素质、抗精神病药种类和剂量有显著性差异。结论 :为减少抗精神病药对心血管损害及毒副作用 ,应针对性合理用药 ,注意病人的个体素质差异 。
OBJECTIVE:To analyze abnormal ECG caused by antipsychotic and its management. METHOD:207 cases of abnormal ECG caused by antipsychotics were follow-up surveyed and compared with control group.RESULTS:Antipsychotic causing ECG abnormalities was closely related to individual condition,dose and type of antipsychotics. CONCLUSION:The use of antipsychotics must be consider individual condition and avoid administration of large dose in order to prevent lesion to cardiovascular system.
Jiujiang Medical Journal