In this paper, 110 species belonging to 48 genera of fossil plants collected from Huobacong Formation and Ergiao Formation of Western Guizhou prorince are described systematically.
The dominant group of the Western Guizhou flora is Cycadophyta, of Which Cycadales consists of 4 species in 4 genera, Bennettitales 25 species in 6 genera, Nilssoniales 7 species in 1 genus and Cycadopsida Incertae Sedis 6 species in 2 genera. Diptoridaceae (9 speeies in 3 genera) is richer in species than others. Pteridospermae is fairly numerous in the flora. Ginkgoales (7 species in 6 genera) and Coniferales (10 species in 6 genera) are very rich.
Based on the above mentioned, the nature and the age of the flora, the relationship and the comparison between the flora and others are discussed. The age of this flora is ascertained to be the Noric-Rhaetic stage of Late Triassic.
Guizhou Geology