改变 2 .5Gbit/s光发射模块消光比 ( EX) ,对作为标准接收用的光接收机灵敏度进行了测试 .实验表明 ,EX小于 9.0时 ,光接收灵敏度较差 ;EX大于 1 5.0时 ,由于眼图中交叉点偏低或光脉冲波形畸变 ,可能导致光接收灵敏度恶化 ;EX在 9.0~ 1 2 .0范围时 ,光接收灵敏度最佳 .
As the function of the extinction ratio of 2.5 Gbit/s optical transmiter modules, the optical receiver module's sensitivity for standard use are mearsured. The experiment shows that as the extinction ratio is less than 9.0, the optical receiver module has lower sensitivity; with the extinction ratio between 9.0 and 12.0, the sensitivity keeps good and, when the extinction ratio is higher than 15.0, the sensitivity become worse due to the low across point in eye diagram or the distortion of optical pulses.
Study on Optical Communications