为探讨综合医院口腔科进修医生的临床教学的特点 ,本文阐述了对综合性医院口腔专科普遍存在内部分工相对不明、教学人员不足、教学设施不全和进修生素质参差不齐、进修目的各不相同等特点 ,结合多年带教经历 ,有针对性的提出口腔临床专业进修生教学中要高度重视、周密计划、重点突出、拓宽视野、严格管理的具体对策。
To probe into the clinial teaching on the refresher doctor of oral department in polyclinic; it is introduced in this article, that internal division of labor is relatively ambiguity in oral department all over polyclinic.The teaching staff is insufficiency and teaching facilities is not complete. Diathesis of the graduate student is irregular similar. The study aim is not same each other. Combining with experience of teaching, the author bring forward some specific measure, such as paying more attention, careful plan, giving prominence to emphases, opening up field of vision and strict administration.
Hospital Administration Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army