1999年美国将商业模式纳入发明专利保护范畴,引发了大量的网络商业模式专利注册 以及相关的诉讼。根据电子商务的发展趋势和专利法有关规定,并结合相关的判例,对网络 商业模式进行分析,认为它具备方法发明所规定的新颖性、创造性和实用性,应列入专利法 保护范畴。
In 1999, the USA gave the business model the status of the patent of i nvention, and therefore, led to numerous registrations of internet-business-mo del patents and corresponding law suits . On the basis of the development trend of electronic commerce and the related regulations of the Patent Law and, in com bination with the relevant law suit cases, the present paper attempts to analyze the model of internet-business and thereupon, holds that it has the novelty, c reativity and practicability, and therefore, is to be put into the category of p atent protection.
Journal of Shenzhen University:Humanities & Social Sciences