[Objective] The aim of this study was to develop a simple and effective method for the polysaccharide extraction from Spirulina. [Method] The polysaccha- rides were directly extracted from the fresh algae mat or dry powder of Spirulina in boiling water. The contents and quality of the extracted polysaccharides were measured. [Result] On average, 236.06 g of polysaccharide was extracted from 25 kg of fresh Spirulina mat, with a yield rate of 0.94%, while 191.95 g of polysac- charide was extracted from 2.5 kg of dry powder of Spirulina with a yield rate of 0.77%. The polysaccharide content in the extract of fresh Spirulina mat was 12.56% (according to glucose content), while that of the dry powder was 12.38% (according to glucose content); the glucose was produced during the hydrolysis of Spirulina polysaccharide. [Conclusion] Extraction polysaccharide from Spirulina with boiling wa- ter greatly reduces the use of ethanol, and the possibility of pollution from the ex- ogenous non-food chemical reagents, so that the extracted polysaccharides can be used as food materials. This method makes it possible to establish the production line for Spirulina polysaccharide.
[目的]研究沸水浸提法在批量制备螺旋藻多糖上的应用。[方法]利用新鲜螺旋藻和螺旋藻干粉为原料,采用直接加水煮沸提取的方法制备螺旋藻多糖,并测定所提取的螺旋藻多糖质量和含量。[结果]平均每25 kg藻泥平均提取出多糖236.06 g,出糖率为0.94%;每2.5 kg藻粉平均提取多糖191.95 g,出糖率为0.77%;对获得的两种螺旋藻多糖的含糖量分别进行测定,得出:以新鲜螺旋藻藻泥为原料提取的粗多糖含糖量为12.56%(以葡萄糖计),以螺旋藻藻粉为原料提取的粗多糖含糖量为12.38%(以葡萄糖计)。鉴别试验检验显示,样品水解后的葡萄糖来源于粗多糖。[结论]减少了使用量较大的乙醇用量,降低了非食品化学原料的污染可能,使生产的螺旋藻多糖进入了食品行列,建立多糖生产线成为可能。