评估D2 0S16 1和D8S384两个基因座在法医学中的应用价值。用自制的D2 0S16 1和D8S384两个DNA分型试剂盒 ,对人血、人精液、人唾液、动物血、人血与动物血的混合检材和人血痕、人精液斑、人唾液斑、动物血痕、人血与动物血的混合斑痕检材 ,以及陈旧血痕检材进行检测分型 ,并用这两个基因座PCR引物序列与DNA数据库进行联网对比分析。自制的D2 0S16 1和D8S384两个DNA分型试剂盒能对人血、人精液、人唾液、人血与动物血的混合检材分型 ,而动物血没有PCR产物 ;自制的D2 0S16 1和D8S384两个DNA分型试剂盒能对人血痕、人精斑、人唾液斑和人血与动物血的混合斑痕检材正确分型 ,而动物血痕没有PCR产物 ;斑痕检材分型结果与对应体液检材分型结果无差异 ;5 0份陈旧血痕检材全部获得阳性分型结果。DNA数据库联网比较提示 ,D2 0S16 1和D8S384基因座引物除了能与各自的模板序列发生特异性扩增外 ,理论上不能与DNA数据库中 6 0 6 36 4种已知序列产生PCR产物。D2 0S16 1和D8S384两个基因座具有高度的种属特异性 ,抗污染能力强 ,不易受降解的影响 。
To evaluate the forensic validation of D20S161 and D8S384 loci.Two typing kits for D20S161 and D8S384 had been home made.The samples had been analyzed by using both kits,which including human blood,human semen,human saliva,animal blood,mixture of human blood and animal blood;human bloodstain,human semen stain,human saliva stain,animal bloodstain, mixture stain of human blood and animal blood; old bloodstains.The sequences of primers for both loci had been compared with 606364 sequences in data base in GeneBank,USA.There are positive results for human blood,human semen,human saliva,mixture of human blood and animal blood by using both kits for D20S161 and D8S384 loci.But animal bloods have not any PCR-productyet.Genotyping of human bloodstain,human semen stain,human saliva stain,mixture stain of human blood and animal blood by using both kits for D20S161 and D8S384 loci were correct.But animal bloodstains had not any PCR productyet.Also, all of fifty old bloodstains had positive results of typing for D20S161 and D8S384.No product was obtained by PCR technigue when primers for both D20S161 and D8S384 loci were tested against 606364 known sequences in the data base in GeneBank.The results demonstrated that both loci have species specificity.Both D20S161 and D8S384 loci are useful marker for forensic casework and paternity analysis.
Chinese Journal of Forensic Medicine