
冷轧铝塑性变形区润滑膜厚度研究 被引量:1

Research on the Lubricant Film Thickness in the Plastic Deformation Zone of Aluminium Cold Rolling Process
摘要 探讨了冷轧铝过程中轧制塑性变形区域润滑膜形成的特点。根据考虑到表面粗糙度因素而改进的Reynold润滑膜计算方程及材料塑性变形特点,研究发现,由于材料的塑性变形,轧制区入口与出口的润滑膜厚度不同,轧制压下量越大,两者的差别越大,因此,更容易导致润滑失效。 The characteristics of lubricating film forming in the plastic deformation zone of cold rolling aluminum process are discussed. According to the improved Reynold formula on lubricant film considering surface roughness and deformation characteristics of material, researches show that due to the plastic deformation in rolling zone, lubricating film thickness at the entrance and exit of the deformation zone have much difference. With the rolling reduction becomes greater, the difference is much obvious, which leads to lubricant film failure more easily.
作者 王文霞 王蔚
出处 《上海第二工业大学学报》 2014年第2期125-128,共4页 Journal of Shanghai Polytechnic University
基金 上海第二工业大学学科建设基金(No.XXKPY1305)资助
关键词 轧制塑性变形 润滑膜厚度 冷轧铝润滑 rolling plastic deformation lubricant film thickness aluminium cold rolling lubrication
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