为改进小麦-黑麦 1RS· 1BL易位系的抗病性,丰富栽培小麦品种的遗传多样性,本文通过1RS·1BL与6VS·6AL易位系杂交,在后代中利用染色体CW带技术从杂种F2中鉴定出小麦-黑麦-簇毛麦双重易位纯合体 1RS· 1BL,6VS· 6AL(2n= 42),PMC MI染色体平均构型为19.14 +1.86 ,表明该易位系具有良好的细胞学稳定性;利用生物素和地高辛分别标记的黑麦和簇毛麦基因组DNA为探针进行双色荧光原位杂交,在RTC和PMC中均清晰地观察到呈黄绿色的黑麦染色质和呈红色的簇毛麦染色质,小麦染色质呈蓝色,进一步证实了C-分带结果。该易位系育性正常,并具有良好的农艺性状和白粉病抗性,是同时利用1RS·1BL和6VS·6AL易位染色体进行小麦品种改良和遗传研究的有用种质。
In order to enhance the disease resistance of wheat--rye 1BL· 1RS translocation line and broaden its genetic bases, a 1RS· 1BL line was crossed to 6VS· 6AL and from its F2 Progenies, a double translocation line designated as 1RS. 1BL, 6VS. 6AL (2n = 42) was identified by (root tip cell) RTC chromosome C--banding. Its mean chromosome configuration at PMC MI was 19.14 + 1.86 indicating genetic stability. Rye and H. villosa genomic DNA labelled by biotin- and digoxingenin-11-dUTP respectively were used as Probes simulataneously for dual color FISH identification. The results confirmed the C-banding results. Rye and H. villosa chromatin after FISH expressed green or red signals respectively in both RTC and PMC of the double translocation line. This line showed normal fertility, desirable agronomic traits and resistance to powdery mildew, and might be of interest for wheat improvement.