目的:分析以少数民族居住为主的广西河池市近几年急性出血性结膜炎(AHC)的流行特征,为该市今后制定AHC防治策略提供科学依据。方法:收集该市11个市县区2004至2012年AHC病例疫情报告资料,采用Excel 2003版软件进行统计分析。结果:该市的11个市县区在过去的9年中每年均有AHC流行,报告病例共8 474例,年均发病率为25.10/10万,男女比为1.47∶1。其中,2010年曾出现爆发流行,发病率为162.43/10万,每年9月为发病高峰,占总病例数的67.69%;19岁以下年龄组占总病例数的51.31%。结论:在过去的9年中河池市AHC流行仍然较严重,人群年均发病率高于广西全省年均发病率,防治任务需加强。
Objective: To analyze the epidemiological characteristics of acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis(AHC) in Hechi City dominated by ethnic minorities living in Guangxi and provide a scientific basis for the local development of control strategies. Methods: Data of acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis in 11 epidemic counties (districts) from 2004 to 2012 was collected and using Excel 2003 version of the software to produce a variety of charts for statistical analysis. Results: The city's 11 counties (district) in the past nine years had AHC epidemic each year and a total of 8,474 cases of reported and the average annual incidence rate of 25.10/100 000, the male to female ratio was 1.47: 1. While in 2010 AHC outbreak appeared and the incidence rate was 162.43/100 000, the annual incidence peaked in September which accounted for 67.69% of the total number of cases, 51.31% of the total number of cases were in 19 year-old age group. Conclusion: In the past nine years the city AHC epidemic is still serious and higher than the average annual incidence in Guangxi province of 6.12/100 000 and prevention and control tasks should be strengthened.
Modern Medical Journal
acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis
northwestern of Guangxi
epidemic characteristics
ethnic minorities