WTO倡导的是公平、自由的市场竞争 ,而倾销将会破坏这种正常的竞争环境。1 995年WTO正式启动以后 ,其框架下的反倾销协议即成为世界范围内各国反倾销立法的统一规范。近年来 ,在经济全球化和贸易投资自由化的浪潮中 ,反倾销逐步演化成为各国普遍采用的维护公平贸易环境、抵制不公平竞争的重要手段之一。随着国际范围内反倾销案件的日益增多 ,中国遭受反倾销诉讼及倾销裁定率均居各国之首 ,已成为世界上最大的反倾销对象国。深入探索中国屡遭反倾销的原因并加强对策研究 ,已成为中国对外贸易顺利发展的重大课题。
What WTO advocates is fair and free competition in the market, but dumping can destroy these justified competitions. Since WTO started to function in 1995, the anti dumping treaties signed in its name has become a means to regularize world wide legislation process for anti dumping campaigns. In recent years, with the rising tide of economic globalization and free investment, anti dumping campaigns have come to perform the important role of maintaining justice in international trade and guarding against unfair competitions. As a result, the number of anti dumping cases increases, and a large number of them are directed against China, making China the major target of anti dumping campaigns in the world. Obviously, it is of utmost importance for us to investigate causes for the anti dumping cases against China and work out countermeasures accordingly in order to maintain rapid development in trade.
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