目的 :根据系统家庭治疗的家庭动力学理论 ,编制一个适合中国家庭的系统家庭动力学自评问卷。方法 :按入组标准抽取昆明市五所医院精神疾病患者 15 0人 ,随机整群抽取高中生 6 3人 ,医学大专及本科学生 87人 ,用编制的系统家庭动力学问卷对入组被试作测验 ,并作信、效度检验。结果 :定型问卷为 4个维度 ,30个条目 :全问卷同质信度Cronbach’sα系数为 0 6 42 0 ,4个维度系数 0 6 14 2~ 0 8712 ;重测信度 0 6 178~ 0 9110 ,总分相关 0 7112 ;因子分析证实问卷的结构效度较好 ,并具有一定的判别效度。结论 :初编的系统家庭动力学问卷的信、效度已符合心理测量学要求 ,可用于家庭动力学的评估。
Objective: To develop a Questionnaire of Systemic Family Dynamics (QSFD) based on the theory of systemic family dynamics Method: 150 patients were collected from 5 hospitals in Kunming according to the including criteria 150 students were collected randomly from high school or medical college as normal control All subjects were assessed by QSFD The reliability and validity were examined Result: The QSFD had 4 dimensions, consisting of thirty items The internal consistency reliability was 0 64 (Cronbach α) The internal consistency reliabilities of the 4 dimensions ranged from 0 61 to 0 87 The test-retest reliability of the total score was 0 71 Those of the 4 dimensions ranged from 0 62 to 0 91 The factor analysis confirmed the construct validity for QSFD A good empirical validity was got Conclusion: The structure, validity and reliability of QSFD are acceptable and it can be used to access family dynamics
Chinese Mental Health Journal