目的 观察口腔卫生条件较差的我国农村地区成年人牙周病的自然发展过程 ,分析牙周病进展速率与发达国家地区人群的区别。方法 在 1984年对 5 87名受检者所进行的口腔状况调查的基础上 ,1994年由相同的检查人员随访复查了 44 0人 ,其中 398人仍有牙列 ,对其所有存留牙的牙齿松动度及牙周附着丧失、牙周袋深度等情况作了复查 ,分析牙周病的进展特点。结果 各年龄组受检者在 10年后复查时 ,均有平均 2mm以上的牙周附着丧失。下颌切牙和上颌磨牙的牙周病进展速率较其他牙齿为重。成年人的平均牙周附着丧失率在各年龄组之间差异无显著性。受检人群与其他口腔卫生习惯和口腔保健条件均较好的发达国家人群相比 ,牙周附着丧失情况基本相似。结论与发达国家人群相比 ,牙周附着状况未见显著不同 ;各年龄组相互之间 ,牙周病发展速率亦未见显著不同。
Objective To study the progression of destructive periodontal disease in adult and elderly aged 20 to 80 The examinees were followed 10 years to determine whether the rates for progression of periodontal disease were different than the populations in the more developed countries Methods In 1984, at baseline, 587 subjects had been examined and by 1994, 440 of them still available for follow up study,and 398 persons remained dentate Tooth mobility, plaque, calculus, gingival conditions, attachment levels, and probing depths on 4 sites of each tooth present were checked and recorded by the same two examiners Results All subjects had ≥2 mm attachment loss over 10 year period Some teeth, such as mandibular incisors and maxillary molars, had higher progression rate than others The mean attachment loss rate did not differ significantly between age groups, and were similar to those reported for populations in the more developed countries Conclusions The rate for progression of periodontal disease in this study were not singnificantly different between the examinees and the populations in more developed countries; and also were not significantly different among the different age groups The causes of destructive periodontal disease in humans are more likely intrinsic factors
Chinese Journal of Stomatology