本试验采用PCR-SSCP技术检测了宁夏荷斯坦牛κ-酪蛋白(κ-casein protein,κ-CN)基因5′和3′侧翼区的遗传多态性。结果表明:κ-CN基因5′和3′侧翼区均存在遗传多态性,5′侧翼区有3种基因型(AA、BB和AB),等位基因频率分别为0.5345、0.4655;3′侧翼区有2种基因型(GG和GT),等位基因频率分别为0.8621、0.1379。κ-CN基因5′侧翼区基因型不符合Hardy-Weinberg平衡(P<0.01),3′侧翼区基因型分布符合Hardy-Weinberg平衡(P>0.05)。5′和3′侧翼区的多态信息含量分别为0.3738、0.2095,分别表现为中度多态和低度多态;其杂合度、有效等位基因数分别为0.5019、0.2399和1.9905、1.3120。研究认为κ-CN基因5′侧翼区更适用于分析多态性与生产性能的关系,以及用于数量遗传座位的定位研究。
The study aims to detect polymorphisms of partial 5′and 3′lfanking region ofκ-CN gene by PCR-SSCP, the results showed that 5′and 3′lfanking region ofκ-CN gene were polymorphic.The allele frequencies of A, B of 5′ lfanking region (AA,BB,AB) and 3′ lfanking region (GG, GT) of κ-CN gene were 0.5345, 0.4655 and 0.8621, 0.1379, respectively. The 5′ lfanking region was signiifcantly deviated from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium(P〈0.01), 3′ lfanking region was in agreement with the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium(P〉0.05). Polymorphism of 5′ lfanking region showed moderate polymorphism with PIC ranged from 0.25 to 0.5 while 3′lfanking region locus showed low polymorphism with PIC less than 0.5. The heterozygosity and number of effective alleles were 0.5019, 0.2399 and 1.9905, 1.3120, respectively in 5′and 3′lfanking region ofκ-CN gene of Holstein cattle. The research suggested that 5′lfanking region ofκ-CN gene is more suitable to analyse the relationship between polymorphism and production performance, and used in the study of the locus of quantitative genetic.
China Dairy Cattle