[目的]了解某肿瘤医院职工工作满意度现状,寻找影响工作满意度的关键因素。[方法]对明尼苏达职工满意度量表(MSQ)进行改编,验证其信度和效度后,以科室为单位进行整群随机抽样对某肿瘤专科医院729名职工进行问卷调查,采用Likert 5点法计分,运用单因素方差分析方法进行职工工作满意度分析。[结果]职工的总体满意度得分为3.56,为比较满意;工作压力和工作环境方面得分分别为1.56和3.39,满意度较低。不同性别、岗位、职称的工作满意度差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。[结论]根据不同医务人员对工作的满意情况,采取不同的管理措施及激励手段,调动医务人员的工作积极性,从而提高医院的核心竞争力,实现医患双方共赢。
[Purpose] To investigate the current job satisfaction in staff of a cancer hospital and to find the key factors which influencing job satisfaction. [Methods] Seven hundred and twenty-nine staff with revised Minnesoda Satisfaction Questionnaire(MSQ) were adopted. The new measurement tool used Likert 5 scale. The job satisfaction of staff was analyzed by One-way ANOVA (analysis of variance). [Results] The entire satisfaction score was 3.56 which mean the staff was quite satis- fied. However,the score relating to pressure and working environment are only 1.56 and 3.39 re- spectively,it shows lower satisfaction. Moreover,job satisfaction appeared to be significantly differ- ent among the groups of diverse gender, diverse jobs and diverse titles(P〈0.05). [Conclusion] Bas- ing on the different satisfaction of staff,advisable management and effective motivations are urged to promote the job satisfaction for staff which can finally enhance the core competition of hospital and reach win-win situation between doctors and patients.
China Cancer