
临潭县妇幼保健机构的人力资源管理研究 被引量:3

Study on human resource management of maternal and child health care institutions in Lintan county
摘要 临潭县县级妇幼保健机构是卫生局下设的二级医疗机构,承担着10万妇女儿童的医疗保健工作。该研究运用相关的文献和实地调查资料,分析研究临潭县妇幼保健机构人力资源管理的现状,如人员严重不足,工作负荷量大,保健水平相对偏低等。临潭县妇幼保健机构人力资源管理有如下特点:专科模式向全科医生、家庭医生方向发展,预防为主的妇幼保健,护理成为保健工作非常重要的一部分,村级保健人员具有无可替代的初级保健作用。县级妇幼保健机构有复杂多样的职能,如完成各级政府和卫生行政部门下达的指令性任务,受卫生行政部门委托对该辖区各级各类医疗保健机构开展的妇幼卫生服务进行考核与评价,组织实施该辖区母婴保健技术培训,负责该辖区妇幼卫生信息的统计等。结合具体实际,提出建议政府加大对妇幼保健机构投入,建立妇幼保健人力资源管理的长效机制,完善机构内部人力资源管理的环节,培训提高妇幼保健人员素质等观点。对促进县级妇幼保健机构健康可持续发展提出了宝贵意见。 Lintan County Maternal and Child Health Care Station is a medical institution of grade 2 administrated by Health Bureau, it contributes to medical health care work of 100 000 women and children; the study analyze and research the current situation of human resource management of maternal and child health care institutions in Lintan County based on relevant literatures and field survey data, the workload is large and health care level is relatively low; the characteristics of human resource management of maternal and child health care institutions in Lintan County can be listed as follows : training mode developing to general practitioner and family doctors direction, laying em- phasis on prevention of maternal and child health care, nursing becoming to one important par of health care work, health care workers pla- ying irreplaceable role in primary health care; maternal and child health care institutions have complex and various functions, such as accom- plishing mandatory plans from the government and Health Administrative Departments, assessing and evaluating maternal and child health care services in medical health care institutions at different levels, organizing training about maternal and infantile health care technologies in the area, being responsible for statistical analysis on maternal and child health care information in the area, putting forward suggestions about enhancing investment for maternal and child health care institutions combining with actual situations, establishing long - term mechanism of human resource management of maternal and child health care institutions in Lintan county, perfecting the links of internal human resource management, training and improving the quality of maternal and child health care workers, and putting forward valuable suggestions about promoting sustainable development of county - level maternal and child health care institutions.
作者 包桃芳
出处 《中国妇幼保健》 CAS 北大核心 2014年第17期2657-2660,共4页 Maternal and Child Health Care of China
关键词 妇幼保健 人力资源 对策建议 Maternal and child health care Human resource Countermeasure
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