氮素营养是影响小麦顶端发育的重要因子。本研究表明 ,分别于护颖原基分化期、雌雄蕊原基分化期和药隔分化期施用氮肥 ,尽管均未影响到主茎叶原基数 ,以及主茎 (MS)和T1、T2分蘖 (主茎第 1、2分蘖 )的总小穗数 ,但是明显加快了主茎的出叶速率 ,减少了各主要茎蘖 (MS、T1、T2、T3)不孕小穗数。此外 ,护颖和雌雄蕊原基分化期施用氮肥 ,能够促进上述主要茎蘖小花原基的分化 ,增加其总小花数 ;而护颖至药隔分化期施用氮肥则明显促进了MS、T1、T2和T3的小花结实。研究结果为高产小麦栽培调控和生长模拟提供了依据。
Nitrogen nutrition is one of the important factors which impact apex development in wheat It was found that the treatments of applying nitrogen fertilizer at glum (N1), pistil(N2) and anther (N3) differentiation stages, respectively, had no effect on the leaf primordium number on main stem (MS) and spikelet numbers on MS, T1 and T2 (the first and second tillers on MS) Compared with N0 (no N fertilizer applied in spring), the treatments of N1, N2 and N3 enhanced the rate of leaf emergence on MS and lessened the infertile spikelets on MS, T1, T2 and T3 The treatments of N1 and N2 improved the floret primordium differentiation, which resulted in more florets on MS, T1, T2 and T3 Also, applying N fertilizer from grum to anther differentiation stage could enhance evidently the grain setting rate of florets on MS, T1, T2 and T3 The results will help the cultural regulation and growth simulation in high yielding wheat
Journal of Plant Nutrition and Fertilizers
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