
津滨轻轨架空接触网雷害防治研究 被引量:5

Research on the Lightning Protection of OCS in Tianjin-Binhai Light Rail
摘要 研究目的:城市轨道架空接触网雷电过电压危害日益突出,其供电系统架空接触网是无备用设备,雷击损坏设备时将直接影响运营安全。津滨轻轨工程是架空接触网遭受雷害最为严重的城市轨道交通工程之一,根据津滨线接触网的具体情况建立相应的数学模型,利用软件对接触网雷电闪络特性进行分析,改进津滨轻轨接触网既有防雷措施,提高其抗雷电灾害的能力,同时研制适用于城市轨道交通接触网的专用避雷器。研究结论:(1)城市轨道交通供电系统采取雷电过电压防护措施有效降低了雷击过电压条件下架空绝缘子击穿闪络破损概率,降低了变电所雷击跳闸概率,达到了牵引供电系统可靠性要求,满足了运营安全性的要求;(2)国内工程中对绝缘子没有防护措施,避雷器不能防止反击跳闸,因此造成了严重的事故损失;(3)由于架空接触网绝缘子耐雷水平过低,因此并联安装带间隙金属氧化物避雷器是防止绝缘子雷击损坏的有效措施;(4)接触网钢支柱应接地,接触网系统应架设架空地线,并应尽可能靠近带电导线,但不需特别抬高;(5)变电所应采取相应措施进行雷电过电压防护;(6)本文研究成果可以应用在城市轨道交通领域。 Research purposes: Urban rail transit OCS lightning overvoltage damage is increasingly prominent. Because the power supply OCS has no standby equipment, lightning stroke will damage the equipment and thus directly influence train operation safety. Tianjin - Binhai light rail engineering is one of the most seriously lightning damaged urban transit engineering. According to the detailed status of Tianjin - Binhai line OCS, mathematical model is build. The software is applied to analyze OCS lightning flash over characteristics so as to improve OCS existing lightning protection measures and increase its ability to resist lightning disaster. Meanwhile, special lightning arrester suitable to urban transit OCS is researched and manufactured. Research conclusions: ( 1 ) Urban rail transit power supply system which takes lightning overvohage protection measures could reduce the breakage rate of OCS insulator after thorough flash - over in overvohage, also reduce the tripping rate of substation in a lightning stroke, which could meet both the reliability requirement of tractive power supply system and safety requirement of operation. (2) Because the protection measures to the isolator are inadequate, lightning arrester could not prevent backward flashover tripping, severe accidents and damages occur. (3)OCS insulator has low lightning withstand level, it is a valid measure to install in parallel metal oxide arrester with gap to prevent insulator lightning stroke damage live conductor (4)OCS steel mast shall be earthed and OCS shall be installed overhead earth wire and shall approach as possible as it can, but no need to lift. (5)The substation shall adopt corresponding measures to carry out overvohage protection against lightning stroke. (6) The research result can be applied on urban mass transit rail aspect.
作者 田雨
出处 《铁道工程学报》 EI 北大核心 2014年第5期90-94,共5页 Journal of Railway Engineering Society
关键词 城市轨道交通 架空接触网 雷害防治 urban mass transit rail overhead contact system lightning protection
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