为紧急处理500kV变电站一次设备缺陷、在500kV变电站进行扩建或增容改造施工时尽可能地少停电或不停电,保证主电网的安全、稳定运行,湖北省超高压输变电局根据带电作业的基本原理和安全技术要求,针对500kV变电站的现场实际情况,借鉴500 kV线路带电作业的经验和技术,通过反复、严格地设计、计算、论证与机械、电气试验,研发500kV变电站带电作业的工艺和工具,对每个作业项目进行标准化、规范化,纳入企业标准予以实行。通过10来年在500kV变电站的二百多次实际带电作业,目前已成熟为500kV变电站一次设备检修的一种常规的、必不可少的检修手段,解决了多年困扰着500kV变电检修的难题。
<abstract> order to handle the defects of primary equipment in 500 kV substation urgently, and to reduce the outage as far as possible during the construction of expansion and retrofit for 500 kV substation, and to guarantee the safe and stable operation of main power network, EHV Trans & Subs Bureau of Hubei Province develops a set of technology and tools of live line work in 500 kV substation according to the basic principles and safety requirements of live line work, and the actual condition on-the-spot of 500 kV substation, and the experiences and technology from live line work in 500 kV transmission line. Every item of the live line work is standardized and normalized, which is fit for enterprise's standard and its implementation. Through more than 200 practical live line works in 500 kV substation in more than 10 years, live line work in 500 kV substation is a kind of conventional and essential overhaul means of primary equipment in 500 kV substation, which have solved a difficult problem puzzled overhaul of 500 kV substation in many years.
Electric Power