为将AquaCrop模型应用于华北平原夏玉米水分研究中,于2011-2012年在中国科学院栾城农业生态系统试验站进行了夏玉米水分处理试验,在参数率定与模型验证的基础上对华北平原水量平衡及水分利用效率的现状进行了分析。结果表明,AquaCrop模型能够较好地模拟夏玉米的产量、生物量、冠层发育过程以及表层土壤水储量的动态变化。从生物量角度来看,夏玉米的水分利用效率在8月中旬达到最大,可达10 kg/m3左右,其整个生长季水分利用效率为4.9-5.8 kg/m3;从产量角度来看,水分利用效率为2.3-3.0 kg/m3,且在整个生长季土壤水储量呈增加趋势。研究阐明了AquaCrop模型在华北平原地区有较好的适用性,可以应用于夏玉米耗水与水分利用效率方面的研究。
To evaluate the applicability of the AquaCrop model for the water consumption of summer maize in the North China Plain (NCP), a field experiment was conducted in 2011-2012 in Luancheng Agricultural Ecosystem Experimental Station of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. After the parameter calibration and the model validation, the model was then applied to analyze the water balance and water use efficiency of the summer maize cropping system in NCP. Our simulation results show that the AquaCrop model was capable of simulating the yield, biomass, canopy development and surface soil water content of such a cropping system. The biomass-scaled water use efficiency was estimated as 4.9-5.8 kg/m^3 during the growing season, and reached a peak of 10 kg/m^3 in mid-August, while the yield-scaled water use efficiency ranged from 2.3 to 3.0 kg/m^3. Besides, the soil water content increased during the whole growing season. Overall, the AquaCrop model performed well to simulate the development of a summer maize cropping system, and can be applied to evaluate the water consumption and water use efficiency in NCP.
Research of Agricultural Modernization