民事检察监督的目的是为了维护司法公正、司法权威和法制统一。以错案无法界定、审判权独立排斥监督、诉讼公正不容检察院参与、尊重当事人处分权原则以及节省诉讼成本为由 ,主张限制甚至取消中国民事检察制度的观点 ,在理论上是站不住脚的 ,在实践上是极其有害的。
The procuratorial supervision in civil lawsuit is to safeguard the fairness and authority of justice,the uniformity of law.It is not proper in theory or in practice for some people to protest that the supervision should be limited or abolished on the base of grounds that the criterion of misjudged case is hard to define,the jurisdiction should be independent,the litigant should enjoy the power of disposal in litigation and the costs of litigation should be reduced,some people protest that the supervision should be limited or abolished.
Journal of National Prosecutors College