苏霍姆林斯基认为 ,了解和研究学生是掌握教育艺术的基本功。教育艺术体现在尊重信任孩子 ,保护儿童道德幼芽 ,运用鼓励性评价激发心灵活力。重温苏氏思想教育艺术 ,对于克服当前思想教育工作中的某些弊病 ,真正落实素质教育有重要意义。
Suhuomulinshiji holds that the basic skills of education art is the understanding and stady of pupils. The art of education is embodied in respecting and trusting the children, protecting their moral merits and appraising them with encouragement to stimulate the vatality of their childish hearts. Studying again Su's ideological education art is of great significance in overcoming some existing drawbacks in ideological education work and actually putting quality education into practice. [
Journal of Jiangxi Institute of Education