
电针影响坐骨神经损伤大鼠脊髓前角神经营养因子-3表达的研究 被引量:10

Investigation the effect of electro-acupuncture on NT-3 expression in ventricolumna of sciatic nerve injury rats
摘要 目的观察电针对坐骨神经损伤大鼠神经营养因子-3表达的影响,探究分析电针促进坐骨神经损伤的修复机制。方法采用大鼠坐骨神经夹持损伤模型,依据随机数字表分为正常组、假手术组、模型组、模型对照组、电针组,通过免疫组化和积分光密度测定脊髓前角神经营养因子-3表达,通过BBB(Basso Beattie Bresnahan)评分、坐骨神经功能指数观察大鼠的行为学变化,综合分析坐骨神经损伤大鼠运动功能的改变。结果造模后7天,采用单因素ANOVA进行组间比较及SNK法进行两两比较。模型组、电针组与正常组相比行为学检测提示坐骨神经损伤大鼠的运动功能明显降低(P<0.05)。电针干预后,电针组与模型组相比BBB评分明显升高(P<0.05),神经功能恢复情况优于模型组;坐骨神经功能指数取值高于模型组,但无统计学差异(P>0.05)。模型组、电针组神经营养因子-3表达与正常组相比均有统计学差异(P<0.05),电针组神经营养因子-3表达与模型组相比有显著差异(P<0.05)。结论电针可以通过促进神经营养因子-3的表达,抑制神经细胞凋亡,促进周围运动传导通路再通和功能恢复,最终改善坐骨神经损伤大鼠的运动功能。 Objective To investigate the effect of electro-acupuncture on expression of NT-3 in sciatic nerve injury rats and the mechanism of nerve restoration. Methods Use the nerve clamping method to make the model, according to Random number table ,all the rats divided into normal group( N) , sham operation group( S) , model group( M) , model control group( MC) , electro-acupuncture group( E) . To ob-serve the expression of NT-3 distributed in ventricolumna by Immunohistochemistry, integrated optical den-sity and the behavioral evidences from the BBB score, sciatic nerve function index ( SFI) . Results 7 days after modeling,on the basis of behavioral test ,movement function of SNI rats( E and M) decreased signifi-cantly. After electro-acupuncture intervention, compared with M group, BBB score was significantly higher of E group,the recovery of neurological function is better than that of the M group;SFI is higher than the M group, while there is not significant difference. The expression of NT-3 in M group and E group compared with the N group, there are significant differences. The E group has significant differences while compared with the M group. Conclusion Electro-acupuncture can promote the expression of NT-3 and inhibit the apoptosis of nerve cells, advance the recovery of peripheral motor conduction pathways, improve the motor function of sciatic nerve injury rats ultimately.
出处 《环球中医药》 CAS 2014年第4期262-265,共4页 Global Traditional Chinese Medicine
基金 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金资助课题(20100013110005)
关键词 坐骨神经损伤 电针 神经营养素-3 Sciatic nerve injury Electro-acupuncture Neurotrophic factor 3
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