采用内循环厌氧反应器(IC)处理去油脂含高挥发性脂肪酸(VFA)含量的餐厨废水,分析了启动阶段发生酸化的原因,酸化后采取措施重启反应器,考察了恢复期IC的运行情况。结果表明,温度骤降、负荷提升过快及餐厨废水特殊的水质导致出水COD从0.548 g/L快速上升到2.546 g/L,出水pH从6.52下降到4.82,出水VFA的浓度从2.5 mmol/L陡升到11.2 mmol/L。通过清水冲洗,补充碱度和微量金属以及降低进水负荷的方式重启酸化的反应器,经过35 d的恢复期,COD去除率逐渐回升到90%左右,但仍低于酸化前的水平。所以厌氧反应器启动时,应密切监测反应器的出水COD、pH及VFA含量,以免发生酸化。
Kitchen greasing wastewater, which contained high concentration of volatile fatty acids, was treated by IC reactor. Causes of acidification during start-up stage were analyzed. It takes measures to restart IC after acidification and operation of IC during recovery phase was investigated. The results show that sharp declination of temperature, fast rise of organic loading and special characteristics of kitchen wastewater cause acidification of IC. The effluent COD sharply increases from 0.548 mg/L to 2.546 g/L; the effluent pH the decreases from 6.52 to 4.82; the effluent VFA rises from 2.5 mmol/L to 11.2 mmol/L. Taking measures such as reducing the running load, taking rinse, increasing alkalinity and micronutrient to restart the reactor, the COD removal rate can restore to 90% after 35 d, but it is lower than the level before acidification. So in order to avoid acidification, the effluent COD, pH and VFA of anaerobic reactor should be closely monitored during start-up phase.
Technology of Water Treatment