目的 了解我国育龄妇女剖宫产的发生率及相关因素.方法 2010年10月,在我国内地30个省份(除西藏自治区)40个县采用与规模成正比的容量比例抽样方法获得调查对象,对8 420名在1978-2010年间有孕产史的育龄妇女进行面对面的问卷调查.调查育龄妇女的社会人口学特征、妊娠及分娩史,分析剖宫产发生的相关因素.结果 8 420名调查对象共分娩11 440例活产,其中有1 725例剖宫产.随时间推移,调查地区总剖宫产率呈增高趋势,由1978-1985年的2.0%(14/701)上升到2006-2010年的36.6% (813/2 224),且在2001-2010年期间升高最迅速.2006-2010年中部地区剖宫产率最高,为42.3%(257/608).产妇或家属主动要求剖宫产的比例也逐年增加,由1978-1985年的14.3% (2/14)上升至2006-2010年的43.7%(255/813).分娩年龄25岁以上(21.4%,960/4485)、高中以上文化程度(24.5%,568/2 317)、从事非农业体力脑力劳动(22.4%,663/2 956)、居住在东部省份(18.6%,757/4074)、胎位不正(45.4%,247/544)、新生儿体重4 000 g以上(36.5%,175/479)、产前做过B超检查(18.8%,1 633/8 687)、孕期出现过血压升高(28.0%,172/614)、抽搐(24.8%,131/528)等因素的产妇更有可能采用剖宫产.结论 我国育龄妇女中剖宫产率明显偏高,并与社会人口特征(分娩年龄、文化程度、职业、居住地区)和某些医学因素(新生儿体重、产前B超检查和孕期出现胎位不正、血压升高、抽搐等症状)相关.
Objective To find out the occurrence of cesarean section (CS) and related factors among child-bearing women in China.Methods The survey was conducted during October,2010 in 40 counties selected from 30 provinces.Size proportional sampling method was employed in sampling.A face to face questionnaire investigation was conducted among 8 420 women who experienced pregnancies from 1978 to 2010.Information on demographic characteristics,history of pregnancy and birth were obtained,and related factors of CS occurrence were analyzed.Results A total of 11 440 living births have been given by 8 420 women,and 1 725 CS happened.As the time goes on,there is a growing trend of CS occurrence,from 2.0% (14/701) in 1978-1985 to 36.6% (813/2 224) in 2006-2010,and there is a most fast increase from 2001 to 2010.CS rate in Mid-China(42.3%,257/608) is the highest from 2006 to 2010.And also,the rate of CS requested by the pregnant women or their family members was increasing year by year,from 14.3% (2/14) in 1978-1985 to 43.7% (255/813) in 2006-2010.Women who were above 25 years old (21.4%,960/4 485),with an education degree of high school or above(24.5%,568/2 317),engaged in nonagricultural work (22.4%,663/2 956),living in eastern provinces of China(18.6%,757/4 074),fetal malposition(45.4%,247/544),with a heavier birth weight (4 000 gram or above) (36.5%,175/479),have accepted B ultrasound exam (18.8%,1 633/8 687) with an increasing of blood pressure (28.0%,172/614) and convulsion experiences (24.8%,131/528) during pregnancy were more likely to have CS.Conclusion The CS rate among child-bearing women in China was rather high,and was related with factors of demographic characteristics (age of childbearing,education,vocation,residence) and some medical factors(neonatal weight,having accepted B ultrasound exam,fetal malposition,an increase of blood pressure and convulsions during pregnancy).
Chinese Journal of Preventive Medicine
中国-联合国人口基金生殖健康/计划生育第六周期项目(China-UNFPA RH/FP CP6)
Cesarean section
Retrospective studies
Child-bearing women
Risk factors