
瑞典哥德堡大学朋辈辅助项目述评及启示 被引量:1

The Reviews of Peer Help Program at the University of Gothenburg and its Enlightenment
摘要 高校朋辈辅助(Peer helping)是有效发挥学生力量以帮助其他同伴发展,从而增强学生能力的独特教育方式。秉承依靠学生又为了学生成长而创建一种充满活力的、协调的和完整的学生支持系统的理念,瑞典哥德堡大学朋辈项目发展了完善的培训实施体系,拥有国际化合作经验,更重要的是推动利益相关者积极承担朋辈辅助发展的责任,从而为朋辈辅助的持续发展创造良好生态。 Peer help is an unique educational approach to promote students helping their peers and finally realize mutual development. At the University of Gothenburg,the vision of the peer help program is to be a dynamic, integrated and inclusive support system for students by students. Nowadays, this program has developed perfect training system and international cooperation experience. And more importantly, it pushes the stakeholders positively to take responsibility for the development of peer help program, this will create a sustainable ecosystem for peer help program.
作者 刘奕涛
出处 《比较教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第5期71-76,共6页 International and Comparative Education
基金 2012年度广东省高等学校思想政治教育重点课题"高校辅导员队伍专业化建设与发展研究"(课题编号:2012CZ018)阶段成果
关键词 歌德堡大学 朋辈辅助 朋辈辅助者 瑞典 University of Gothenburg peer helping peer helper
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