
新兴大国对G20议程的影响--兼论中国在议程塑造中的外交作为 被引量:11

The Influence of the Emerging Powers on G20 Agenda——Together with a Discussion on China's Diplomatic Efforts in Shaping Agenda
摘要 自G20实现升级转型以来,新兴大国在全球经济治理中获得了与发达国家平等的对话机会。通过参与对话,新兴大国可以影响G20议程,进而影响全球经济治理的模式选择和改革方向。G20议程在多大程度上受到新兴大国的影响?本文以BRICs/BRICS峰会宣言、G8峰会公报和G20峰会公报的比较结果为依据,评估了新兴大国对G20议程的影响。评估结果表明,在国际金融机构改革议题上,新兴大国对G20议程具有相对较强的影响;在消除贫困与发展援助、国际货币体系改革两个议题上对G20议程的影响力相对较弱。在其他议题上,没有证据表明新兴大国对G20议程具有独立影响。新兴大国之所以在国际金融机构改革议题上具有相对较强的影响,有两个重要原因。其一是美国对国际金融机构改革持支持态度,其二是中国发挥的积极作用。这充分说明,在自身综合实力快速增长和外部条件基本具备的条件下,中国外交有更大的积极作为空间。 Since the transformation and upgrade of the G20, emerging powers have acquired the opportunity for dialogue with developed countries, on an equal footing, and on issues concerning global economic governance. Such dialogue enables the emerging powers to exert influence on G20 agenda, affecting the choice of modeland direction of future global economic governance. This article assesses the influence of the emerging powers on G20 agenda based on the comparison of BRIC/BRICS summit declarations, G8 communiques and G20 communiques. The results show that:(1) the influence of the emerging powers on G20 agenda is relatively high concerning the issue of international financial institutions reform;(2) their influence is relatively low concerning the issues of poverty reduction, development assistance, and international monetary system reform;(3) there is no evidence suggesting that the emerging powers have independent influence concerning other issues. There are two important reasons why the emerging powers have relatively high influence concerning the issue of international financial institutions reform. The first reason is the U.S. support for international financial institutions reform, while the second one is China's proactive diplomatic efforts.
作者 刘宏松
机构地区 上海外国语大学
出处 《国际展望》 CSSCI 2014年第2期109-122,153-154,共14页 Global Review
基金 作者主持的国家社会科学基金青年项目“中国在全球治理中的制度设计行为研究”(11CGJ008)的阶段性成果之一 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划 上海外国语大学2012年校级重大项目“新时期中国对外战略研究”的资助
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