噻唑脘二酮(格列酮) 类药物可激活主要在脂肪细胞中表达过氧化物酶体增生物激活受体γ(PPARγ)并导致多种由脂肪细胞分泌的与胰岛素抵抗相关的激素和代谢物质的减少。除能够降低血糖外,该类药物还对“胰岛素抵抗综合征”的一系列异常表现有改善作用。作为一种新的抗糖尿病药物,格列酮类药物以及今后陆续开发出来的类似药物将对糖尿病和与胰岛素抵抗相关疾病的治疗产生重大的积极影响。此外,对该类药物作用机理的研究还为糖尿病的病因学研究开辟了一片新的天地。
(glitazones, TZD)
are a class of newly developed insulin sensitizers.
Glitazones exert their effects by stimulating the Peroxisome proliferator activated receptorγ ( PPARγ) which is predominantly expressed in adipose tissue and Ieading to the reduced production of many factors that were believed to cause insulin resistance. In addition to their hypoglycemic effect, glitazones can also alieviate many abnormalities associated with 'insulin resistance syndrome'. As a new class of anti-diabetic agents, glitazones as well as their derivatives will have significant positive impacts on the treatment outcomes of type 2 diabetes and other conditions associate with insulin resistance. In addition, probing into the mechanisms with which glitazones act have opened
a new research field on the etiology of type 2 diabetes.
Contemporary Medicine