
女性与美国早期风景园林学发展 被引量:2

Female and the Early Development of Landscape Architecture in US
摘要 基于文献,较为系统地分析了女性在美国风景园林发展早期出现的原因,介绍了主要领域的代表人物及其主要贡献,讨论了她们对于风景园林学发展的影响。女性在风景园林设计中的出现,既反映了美国经济社会发展的成就,也为这个学科的发展带来了活力和更为丰富的视角。而把女性纳入研究的视野,也有助于更客观全面地认识风景园林学在美国的发展史。 Based on current literature, the article analyzes main causes for women to participate in the early development of landscape architecture in the US, introduces major figures and their contributions, and explores their influence upon landscape architecture. The emergence of female landscape architects is not only an achievement of American economic and social development, but also brings energy and alternative perspectives for this discipline. By studying female landscape architects, it will be helpful to understand more objectively the genealogy of landscape architecture.
作者 陈晓彤 许言
出处 《中国园林》 北大核心 2014年第3期25-28,共4页 Chinese Landscape Architecture
关键词 风景园林 女性 早期发展 美国 贡献 landscape architecture women early development US contribution
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