
该当与危险:新型刑罚目的对量刑的影响 被引量:27

Deserved Punishment and Danger: The Influence of New-type Punishment on the Measurement of Penalty
摘要 立基于再犯危险性预测的剥夺犯罪能力是由犯罪学派首先提出的刑罚理论,并广泛应用于保安处分之中,但是新近作为刑罚目的在量刑中的适用却引起了极大的争论。无论是类型化剥夺犯罪能力还是选择性剥夺犯罪能力,在一种有序列的、并合主义的量刑理论中,都可以找到立足之地,并发挥更加重要的作用,将有限的司法资源集中到最需要控制的危险犯罪类型和犯罪人之上,不但为"宽严相济的刑事政策"填补具体内容提供路径与方法,同时能够最大限度地为刑法赢得道德信誉。 Incapacitation, which is based on the prediction of dangerousness, was raised by the scholar of criminology firstly, and used in the security measures broadly. But when incapacitation is applied in the sentencing process recently, a great controversy is aroused. In a serialized comprehensive punishment theory, no matter collective incapacitation or selective incapacitation will find a foothold and play a more important role. Through this way, the limited justice resources can be aggregated over the dangerous crimes and dangerous criminals which need to be controlled mostly, the contents of " Criminal Policy of Interdependence between Leniency and Severity" can be filled up, the paths and methods to carry out the policy is provided, at the meantime the highest moral reputation of criminal law can be gained.
作者 刘军
出处 《中国法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第2期222-234,共13页 China Legal Science
基金 教育部社科基金项目"罪刑该当与量刑规范化研究"(项目编号:09YJA820042)的阶段性成果
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