利用物理 (微波和紫外光辐照 )方法处理 TATB炸药的表面 ,使 TATB粉末表面被部分活化 ,达到 TATB粒子表面改性的目的。研究表明 :经过微波处理和 UV光辐照对 TATB粒子进行改性 ,TATB的表面性能被改善 ,吸附、润湿性能增强 ,与粘结剂的作用力提高。微波处理是通过高能粒子对 TATB的表面“刻蚀”作用 ,使表面粗糙度增大 ,新生表面积扩大 ;UV光辐照是使 TATB的表面活性中心偏移 ,TATB分子中 - NO2 的部分空轨道被电子填充 ,使 - NO2 与粘结剂间的作用有所增强 ;但在 H2 O2 存在的条件下进行 UV光辐射后 。
Some parts of TATB particle have been active and the surface modification has been achieved through the surface of TATB treated by physics methods including microwave and ultraviolet ray irradiation. The effect of the surface modification has evaluated by measurement of calorimeter, analysis of subsidence behaviors and the identification by FTIR PAS. It shows that the characters surface of TATB have been impoved, the wetting ability and the reactivity with bonding agent have been strengthened.
Chinese Journal of Explosives & Propellants