为观察窒息缺氧后心脏损害对脑氧合的影响 ,采用美国 NIM公司的 RumMan CWS- 2 0 0近红外光谱测定仪对 40例有围产期缺氧的新生儿进行脑氧合监测。结果显示 :40例中有 1 5例有心脏损害 ,在改善循环和增加活动后他们的脑氧合变化即 △OD值明显低于无心脏损害的对照组。两组 △ OD值分别为 4.5 7%± 1 .83%和8.1 6 %± 3.33% (改善循环 ) P<0 .0 1 ;5 .2 3%± 2 .1 6 %和 1 1 .88%± 4.5 3% (增加活动 ) P<0 .0 0 1。心脏损害组 △OD达峰时间明显长于无心脏损害组 ,P<0 .0 5。并且与心脏损害的程度有关。在恢复期心脏损害组△ OD值和达峰时间均较极期有改善。有3例新生儿在阵发性心动过缓期间脑氧合迅速下降。结果提示 :围产期窒息缺氧合并心脏损害对脑氧合可产生影响 ,进一步加重了脑损害。
To investigate the relationship of neonatal cerebral oxygenation and heart demage after asphyxia. Methods Cerebral oxygenation of 40 babies with perinatal hypoxia were observed by Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS). Results Showed: There were 15 babies accompanying heart damage. After increasing works and improving their circulation, the changes of cerebral oxygenation(ΔOD) were less than control without heart damage. ΔOD were 4.57±1.83 and .816±3.33 (improving the circulation) respectively, P<0.01; 5.23±2.16 and 11.885±4.53 (increasing works), respectively, P<0.001; There were three newborn infents whose OD decreased rapidly during bradycardia occur. Conclusion The heart damage acompanied perinatal hypoxia could affact cerebral oxygenation, and to increase cerebral lesion again.
The Journal of Neonatology